
About Us

Music has always been a part of the Union Baptist Church, Kohima. Since the inception of Union Baptist Church in 1973, music ministry has been active in the worship services. The vision of the worship and music ministry is to enrich and edify the body of Christ through worship, praise and devotion, by creating an atmosphere where congregants can worship God in truth and in spirit.

Sanctuary Choir

It was in 1989 that Dr. Vivee Peseye formed the Sanctuary Choir which took the choir to a more professional and disciplined entity, a legacy that has been passed on to today’s Sanctuary choir members. The choir meets regulary every week for practice and fellowship. Aside from Sunday morning presentations, two regular highlights of the choir are the annual Easter and Christmas Cantatas. Down the years until today, the choir has been lifting the spirit, strengthening the faith and bringing emotional and spiritual healing to its congregation.

Children’s Choir

The vision of UBC Children’s Choir is to provide an opportunity for children to express their love for God through songs and to grow in understanding of worshipping God. Children above 7 years of age are included in the Children’s Choir.

Teens’ Choir

The Teens’ Choir consists of Sunday School children from the age of 15-18 years. The Teens’ Choir provides a platform for the youngsters to hone their musical skills as they transition to youth and to Sanctuary Choir.

Worship Teams

The worship and music ministry is involved in the planning and execution of the worship services, by involving musicians and singers regularly.